What I’ll tell my kids when I have them:
That relationships change.
That change is okay.
Some people won’t stay when you change
or will like the change
or like who the changed you is
but the ones that do
are the ones you keep.
The new changed you
had to change to keep being you.
You will never stop changing
and you can not ask for change to stop.
We are all seasons.
Spring must wait for Winter,
and you will watch family winter
as we shift on,
change hurts.
It is okay to cry when there is change.
Or you can drive in silence
or you can be silent.
But change cannot be stopped,
change is a word indenting a quiet room
the next song resuming the radio after the other,
and that is irony of it all,
we are inevitable
and there is also the inevitable,
and how beautiful is that?